1. Not so fast. They looked like a football team for the first time this season. Kept all the speed on the field. That was Reids formula at work . 7-9 wins the division. Eagles have to beat Washington and Giants.

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  2. On the Bradford vs Foles comparison. I think its safe to say Bradford is the better of the two. Foles is horrible and not a starter. Bradford is beginning to look like the fantasy Bradford I had for a few years barring any injuries. Bradford will only get better as his knee recovers. The Eagles must build a better o-line with him at QB. But I think he can handle the job. I alson think the ex cowboys have to go. Murray might be a good late game RB but thats about it.

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    • Foles is a starter. He just doesn’t fit Kelly’s system. As for his time with the Rams, I think Kurt Warner was the last QB not to have his career butchered by that franchise.


  3. Foles is running out of options.. maybe in a few yrs after this fiasco ends he will get another shot . But I think he will serve in a backup role in the near future. Sort of like Sanchez.

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    • Exactly. Unless something happens and he ends up in Dallas. I said before that we should have sent him there in a trade.


  4. Foles is a guy you want to succeed. Its like his mind tells him one thing but his body does another. Sort of like ALI at the end of his career.

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